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Te Ahunui
Te Ahunui is a continuation of our Te Ahu o te Reo Māori programme for schools (teaching, support staff), delivered over 20 weeks, across all levels.
2 hr class.
No immersion wānanga.
Level 1 delivered Tuesdays.
Level 2 Wednesdays.
Levels 3 & 4 delivered Thursdays.
The cost is $650 (+gst) per person.
Enrol in the next Te Ahunui programme today.
Kāhui Reo
Our Kāhui Reo programme is ideal for Principals wanting to grow sustainability across their school, and support their team in creating a school wide plan.
Suitable for 2-3 leadership, or a cultural PLG group
Group of 8-10 schools to be part of a rohe.
2 hours delivered online weekly, during school hours (TBC).
Cost of $3,700 - $4,200 (school numbers dependent).
Enrol in the next Kāhui Reo programme today.